Other methods are to use the service command and the chkconfig command. 其他方法是使用service命令和chkconfig命令。
Any client or server application with HTTP support could easily call the service with an HTTP GET command. 任何拥有HTTP支持的客户端和服务器应用程序都能使用一个HTTPGET命令来轻松调用服务。
To get the servers up and running, start up the Xen service with the command xend start and then create your BaseServer from your base config file with the command xm create base. 要启动并运行服务器,首先要使用命令xendstart启动Xen服务,然后使用命令xmcreatebase通过基本配置文件创建BaseServer。
To uninstall the FAP service use the following command 要使用以下命令卸载FAP服务
The service command doesn't have a manual page, but if you run it with the& help option, you can get some help with its operation. service命令没有手册页,但是您可以在运行这个命令时使用&help选项,您就可以得到有关它的操作的一些帮助信息。
A more simple web service would be to execute commands ( or a batch of commands) on iSeries using a web service command. 更加简单的Web服务会在iSeries上用Web服务指令执行命令(或者批处理命令)。
You can test this by signing on as the WebSphere MQ service account, opening a command window and typing perl – v. 要测试这一点,可以作为WebSphereMQ服务帐户登录,打开一个命令窗口,输入perl–v。
The doPOST function expects the service query command, query input values, and a callback function to process the result returned from the services. doPOST函数使用服务查询命令、查询输入值及一个回调函数来处理从这些服务返回的结果。
Enable DTP on an Oracle service by executing this command 通过执行以下命令在Oracle服务上启用DTP
You can of course pick different service names as command line arguments and so on. 您当然可以选择不同的服务名称作为命令行参数或其他参数。
Start the Web service with the following command from the Web service directory: C:/ ruby> webservice> ruby script/ server. 用以下命令从Web服务目录中启动Web服务:C:/ruby>webservice>rubyscript/server。
Summons for military service The Admiral issued a command for the fleet to set sail. (服兵役的)徵集令,徵召令舰队司令下令舰队开航。
You tried to start the service from the command line. 您试图从命令行启动服务。
The Study of Methods on Service Design and Information Management of Command Information Systems 指挥信息系统服务设计和信息管理方法研究
The present payload consists of a lunar Excursion Module, a Service Module, a Command Module and a Launch Escape System. 现在的有效载荷包括登月舵、服务舵、指挥舵和发射逃逸系统。
Indicate what should happen when your service receives a custom command. 指示在服务接收到自定义命令时发生什么。
Strengthening the Base of Human Resources in University Rear Service; Logistical and Infrastructure Command 高校后勤人力资源管理必须从基础做起后勤和基地设施司令部
The specified log service command value is not recognized. 不可识别指定的日志文件服务命令数值。
For a military medical university, it is an important task to setup a net training platform for medical service command specialty on the basis of campus net. 在建成的校园网基础上,根据卫勤指挥专业学科群各课程特点,进一步开发相应的学科网络训练平台是高等院校信息技术开发的一个重要任务。
Presentation service command processor 表示服务命令处理程序
If the service does not recognize the command parameter, it does nothing. 如果服务不能识别command参数,则不执行任何操作。
However, estimating the potential interruption of service is limited to estimating the time for the mirror server to switch roles after the forced service command is issued. 但是,在发出强制服务命令后,估计的潜在服务器中断时间将限定为估计镜像服务器切换角色的时间。
The ultimate aim is service on command and one click is enough. 信息网格追求的最终目标是做到服务点播(ServiceOnCommand)和一步到位的服务(OneClickIsEnough)。
Methods: The data of patients received prehospital emergency care collected by Guangzhou First Aid Service Command Center from 1996~ 2004 was analyzed. 方法:对广州市中心城区1996年1月至2004年12月的院前急救死亡病例进行统计分析。
Railway safety and emergency command system is a comprehensive railway emergency service resources, unified command, joint action, provides the corresponding emergency rescue service for electrical repair, provide a powerful guarantee for the railway signaling safety. 铁路电务安全应急指挥系统是综合各种铁路应急服务资源,统一指挥、联合行动,为电务抢修提供相应的紧急救援服务,为铁路的电务安全提供强有力的保障。
With the development of information technology and the further development of army informatization construction, the informationization construction of Military service system for command has become an important part of army informationization construction and has great strategic significance. 随着信息技术的发展,军队信息化建设的不断深入,军队保障指挥系统的信息化建设已经成为军队信息化建设的重要组成部分,具有极高的战略意义。
ABSTRACT: Digital Trunked System is a kind of advanced appropriative mobile communication system. It synthesizes digital technology, trunked technology, packet data service, control and command function. Abundant wireless control and command applications are provided by this system. 摘要:数字集群系统是一种高级专用移动通信系统,它将数字技术、集群技术、分组数据业务和指挥调度功能相结合,为用户提供丰富的无线指挥调度应用。
In this paper, with the basis of GPS vehicle positioning, as an experiment, we Designed and implemented a system of Information management which can service in the military command of the brigade and regiment level of vehicle-mounted weapon. 本文以GPS车载定位为依托,实验性的设计和实现了一套服务于军队旅团级指挥信息化的车载武器的信息管理系统。
The digital output of ECT/ EVT is sampled value, which is foundation of correct working of relay protection and measuring devices. For sampled service has a strict command of real-time performance, it has a simple mapping method. 电子式互感器的数字输出是采样值,它是继电保护以及计量设备的正确工作的基础,采样值服务具有较高实时性要求,因此采用较为简单的映射。